Browse walks by selecting cover sheet PDFs exported from Connect.
Use this system to build and manage your local delivery network.

To get started:

  1. In Connect "Walk Manager", print all cover sheets for relevant polling districts.
  2. In Connect "My PDF Files", tick the box next to the files you want, then click "Download Selected Files".
  3. On your PC, extract the PDFs from the downloaded .zip file(s).
  4. Drag and drop the PDF files into the blue drop zone above.
  5. Wait for the magic to happen! The process can take up to 60 seconds to run if processing many files.
Add more walks to this page by selecting additional PDFs.
Add as many files at once as you wish...
Breakdown of numbers per PD, allowing for analysis of gaps across your selected area.
Breakdown of numbers by walk. The tool provides just a summary list of PD, walk names, leaflets, doors, wholesaler name and deliverer name, but when you click to download the data to a spreadsheet details of all the info on the walk sheet will be included (address, email, notes, etc.).
Lists and spreadsheets of all wholesalers without duplication regardless of the number of walks they do (this is very useful info to be uploaded into your GDPR compliant email tool or used to call people (having checked TPS/consent status in Connect).
Lists and spreadsheets of all deliverers without duplication regardless of the number of walks they do (this is very useful info to be uploaded into your GDPR compliant email tool or used to call people (having checked TPS/consent status in Connect).
Provides thumbnails images of all the walks (click to show larger versions).
Download this data to a spreadsheet:
Download this data (with extra detail) to a spreadsheet:
You must shorten walk names so that door counts appear in the coversheet PDFs correctly.
Walks Inspector was developed by Steve Gourley of Bath & North East Somerset Liberal Democrats. If you find this useful and want to show appreciation donate to their campaign funds!

This was only possible with suggestions and encouragement from Mary Regnier-Wilson, Ian Campion-Smith, Martin Tod, Tim Pollard, and Mark Pack. Thank you all!

This tool is still in development. So if you have suggestions for improvement, feel free to get in touch via the Facebook Connect Users group.
Note that absolutely no data is stored online by this application. It has been reviewed and approved by Compliance at Liberal Democrats' HQ.

PS: This tool works best when used with modern browsers. We recommend Chrome or Firefox.